Monthly Archives: March 2017

Gold Stock Indicator: March 2017

Performance Review

In the March 2016 posting on the Gold Stock Indicator (GSI), we said the following:

“As long as gold can stay above $1,184.25 and the XAU Index can stay above 57.96, the chances are that a new bull market in gold is in force.  Naturally, a decline below the most recent 1-year lows would erase any notion of a bull market in gold.  In spite of a decline below 38.84, the XAU Index is at the most extreme in terms of value.  With the assumption that the future will see an oversupply of commodities (a further collapse in prices), investors and speculators who are not averse to a high risk portion of their portfolio should consider investment in gold stocks.  First time investors in this sector should start with a position in Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX), and then wait.”

Since that early March 2016 posting, the price of gold stocks (as represented by the XAU Gold and Silver Stock Index) have increased as much as +78.16% while settling at the current level of +26%. 


Meanwhile, the Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX) has ranged as high as +61% while falling as low as –2.21% and currently sits at a gain of +16% since our March 2016 posting.


One year later and the tale of the market for gold and gold stocks is told in the chart below. 


We see that there has been a lot of volatility in the last year but little in the way of change for the price of gold while gold stocks have made some marginal gains.  This is where analysis and interpretation are key.

Nasdaq 100: March 2017

Performance Review

Looking back at the watch list from March 2016, we can see that the first five stocks managed to eke out a modest gain of +6.33%.  This subset performance was severely below the Nasdaq 100 Index increase of +20.44%, in the same period of time.

symbol name 1-yr % chg
ESRX Express Scripts -4.21%
CERN Cerner Corporation 14.90%
BIIB Biogen Inc. 7.44%
VRTX Vertex Pharmaceuticals 11.28%
REGN Regeneron Pharmaceuticals 2.24%

When viewed from the perspective of the analysts (in blue), we see that the estimates for the coming year (at the time) were far short of the actual performance (in red) in the stock price as represented below.


According to Yahoo!Finance, there are seven analysts that track QVC Group (QVCA) are included in their analyst estimates.  It is worth considering, for additional research, finding the analyst(s) who were best able to  call QVC Group (QVCA).  Additionally, the same analyst(s) have a low expectation of $1.02 earnings and a high of $1.71 in earnings for the coming year, putting the stock price in a range of $20.40 to $34.20.  We believe that the analysts for QVCA have a good beat on this stock, let’s see if the same performance follows in the coming year.

Nasdaq 100 Watch List

Below is the watch list for March 2017 and the earnings estimates with the price projection based on those estimates as well as a strong interest stock.

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U.S. Dividend Watch List: March 24, 2017

Prior Year Top Five Performance Review

In our ongoing review of the NLO Dividend Watch List, we have taken the top five stocks on our list from March 25, 2016 and have checked their performance one year later. The top five companies on that list can be seen in the table below.

Symbol Name 2015 Price 2016 Price % change
STBA S&T BanCorp. 25.26 33.61 33.1%
LLY Eli Lilly & 71.12 84.18 18.4%
AIG American International Group, Inc. 52.98 60.88 14.9%
GD General Dynamics Corp. 129.08 187.52 45.3%
WSBC WesBanco 28.70 35.79 24.7%
      Average 27.3%
DJI Dow Jones Industrial 17,515.73 20,596.72 17.6%
SPX S&P 500 2,035.94 2,343.98 15.1%

The average return for the top five companies from last year is +27.30% with the biggest gain coming from General Dynamics (GD). The company was trading at 14x net income last year when it appeared on the list. Fast forward to today, the stock is trading at nearly 20x net income so while net income rose only 5%, most of the gain came from multiple expansion. The worst performer was AIG (AIG) which gained +14.90% or 0.2% below the market.

U.S Dividend Watch List: March 24, 2017

The market fell -1.40% for the week with the S&P 500 is approaching 2,300. We'll take a flyer on the idea that a consolidation phase is occurring before any move up or down. Below is the watch list containing 26 companies on our dividend watch list. Continue reading

Musings on Real Estate

As investors, we’re firm believers in preparing for the worst case scenario.  For us, the definitive worst case scenario is found in the markets from 1921 to 1932, covering the early stages of the “Great” Depression.   We believe 1921 to 1932 should be examined and re-examined to understand possible risks and remedies for our current perspective on markets.

In our recent musings, we found that the rent data from 1914 to the present at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis had a minor quirk, some information was missing in the sweet spot that we’re most interested. Below is our take on the data and some minor insights.

Again, looking at the data related to the CPI for All Urban Consumers: Rent of Primary Residence (CUUR0000SEHA) on the St. Louis Federal Reserve website, we can see monthly data ranging from 1914 to the present.  However, the data in the period from 1915 to 1940 has many gaps that obscure what happened to rental prices (when attempting to chart).

The chart below is the maximum view of the data from 1914 to 2017.  The black boxes show, or rather don’t show, the data that is missing from the period in concern (also from 1944-1947).


Although there is some data interspersed from 1915 to 1940, there isn’t enough to generate a complete graphical representation of the period.  Below is the charting of the data for Residential Rents in St. Louis covering the period from 1875 to 1944 in work from Roy Wenzlick’s Real Estate Analyst.  We’ve highlighted the period of concern in red.


We wanted to know how accurate Wenzlick’s St. Louis residential rents compared to the national data provided by the Federal Reserve.  To do this, we took the 1914 data set and peg the percentage change in Wenzlick’s work to the missing data at the Fed through to 1940.  The result of this is displayed below:


In the red are the data points based on what would have happened if the starting point of December 2014 Fed data had the same rate of percentage change as Wenzlick’s graphical representation from 1914 to 1940.  In the blue, we have the original data set from the Federal Reserve.  We’ve extended the available Fed data from the prior period to fill the gaps.

Interestingly,  the percentage change from peak to trough in both data sets are fairly close with Wenzlick’s data declining –34.21% and the Fed data falling –38.43%.  The January 1923 and September 1924 peaks are consistent with our previous examination of other commodities.  For example, in our “1925 to 1932: A Question for Precious Metal Investors”  article, we see a 1925 peak in precious metal stocks with the decline ending in 1932.


As best we can tell, the gaps presented in the Federal Reserve data generally coincides with the data offered by Roy Wenzlick.  In addition, the data from both sources on the general direction of rents coincides with other commodity related declines from the period of 1923 to 1932.

The Definitive Dow Theory on Gold

Dow Theory attempts to define and identify major moves in markets referenced here as the “primary trend.”  In this piece, we will outline the price of gold according to Dow Theory.

We’re going to review and analyze the primary trend that extends from the September 2011 peak to the currently established low in the price of gold in December 2015.  We believe that this information is critical to understanding where we are and where we might be going.  This interpretation is based on the work of Charles H. Dow, co-founder of the Wall Street Journal and namesake to the longest continuous stock market indexes.

Keep in mind that all of the analysis that follows is done in generalities so that an individual who is curious about Dow Theory can refer to the technical manual on the topic titled The Dow Theory by Robert Rhea.  However, the true heart of Dow’s theory is found in his original writing which covered the topic of earnings, dividends, effect of dilution of shares and economic outlook AND NOT lines on a chart.  Two books that cover Charles H. Dow’s work as a fundamental analyst and an adept economist are titled Dow Theory: Unplugged and Charles H. Dow: Economist, respectively.

A Look Back

It is necessary to outline the history of primary trends in the price of gold to ensure clarity of where we are coming from and where we might be now.  Below is a graph of the price history of gold with the primary trends.


The dates for the primary trend indication are as follows:

  • December 1969 at $35.17
  • December 1974 at $188.25
  • August 1976 at $104.20
  • January 1980 at $760
  • August 1999 at $255.35
  • September 2011 at $1,895
  • December 2015 at $1,049.40

The percentage change for the primary trend indications above are as follows:

  • I: +435%
  • II: -45%
  • III: +629%
  • IV: -66%
  • V: +642%
  • VI: -45%

Dow Theory Primary Trend Analysis at VI

U.S. Dividend Watch List: March 17, 2017

The S&P 500 appears to be consolidating between 2,350 and 2,400. We will be looking to see if the bull can push above 2,400 level this week.

Although the stock market is virtually at its all-time high, the market fundamentals are comparable to last year. We observed the market multiple of 24x in September 2016 which is the same multiple we are seeing now.  One thing to note is rising interest rates during the same time frame.  The 10-year notes rose to 2.50% from 1.60%, a staggering +56% increase in rate. However, at the same time the stock market is up more than +10%.

As the saying goes, a rising tide lifts all boats.  A bull market lifts all companies and there are only 20 companies on our watch list this week. Continue reading

Canadian Dividend Watch List: March 2017

Performance Review

A review of our watch list from March 2016 resulted in the following:

  • The entire list declined –1.71% versus analyst estimated gain of +23.10%
  • The top five companies on the list lost an average of –9.62%
  • The stock estimated by analysts to perform the worst (ThompsonReuters: TRI.TO) gained +14.63%
  • The stock estimated by analysts to perform the best (Dream Office REIT: D-UN.TO) lost –5.80%

These totals compare to the +15.36 change in the Toronto Stock Exchange in the same period of time.

Interest Rate Monitor

The markets are anticipating an interest rate increase at the next Federal Reserve meeting on economic policy and many could legitimately say that this anticipation is what drives the short-term rates higher. 

However, history is on our side on this matter.  As pointed out in previous postings, Federal Reserve rate policy always follows the actions of short-term rates as demonstrated in the last comparable cycle in interest rates from 1953 to 1980.



Silver Update

On May 5, 2011, when the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) was trading at $33.72, we said the following:

“…we’d like to see the price decline to the dashed blue line at $15.41 or below.”

Coppock Curve: February 2017

Since the Coppock Curve flashed a buy indication at the end of March 2016, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained +17.80% while the S&P 500 gained +15%. Our strategy of purchasing Guggenheim S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF (RSP) has proven well timed and is up +16.70%. Below is an update to the Coppock Curve.

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Earnings Recession Over?

The chart below outlines the Year-over-Year (Y-o-Y) percentage change in the S&P 500 earnings since 1960.  From what we can tell, the slide from the 2010 peak in Y-o-Y earnings in the S&P may have bottomed in 2015 and is on a path to the 2013 peak which could be followed by the 1964 recovery peak.


What stands out about the current move upward is the fact that the decline went into negative territory.  While the decline wasn’t as low as we’d like, at or below the 1970 level, we have to accept that there are few times this indication went negative without a very strong recovery to the upside.  For now, we’re hedging our commentary by watching for the 2013 level before going on to the 1964 peak. 

However, we suspect that the recovery in S&P earnings could test the 1976 peak.  What does that translate into for the stock market.  Although not as low as the 1975 trough, the Dow Jones Industrial Average nearly doubled within a two year period.  Let’s call for a +50% increase in the Dow Jones Industrial Average from the 2015 low.  This would bring the index to 24,153.57 by 2018.

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U.S. Dividend Watch List: March 3, 2017

Top Five Watch List Performance Review

In our ongoing review of the NLO Dividend Watch List, we have taken the top five stocks on our list from March 4, 2017 and have checked the performance one year later. The top five companies on that list can be seen in the table below.

Symbol Name 2015 Price 2016 Price % change
AIG American International Group, Inc. 52.30 64.22 22.8%
MON Monsanto 85.89 114.97 33.9%
AROW Arrow Financial Corp. 26.39 34.75 31.7%
LLY Eli Lilly & 73.60 83.78 13.8%
IPCC Infinity Property & Casualty Corp 75.55 96.10 27.2%
      Average 25.9%
DJI Dow Jones Industrial 17,006.77 21,005.71 23.5%
SPX S&P 500 1,999.99 2,383.12 19.2%

We highlighted the top two companies last year. Needless to say, they've done well. However, our assessment of Monsanto (MON) was not accurate as we suggested our reader to be more careful of the projected valuation. Valueline estimated shares to be undervalued by 40% at the time and shares have risen 33% since last year. As for AIG (AIG), shares were trading 30% below book value last year. Since then, shares have climbed 22%.

U.S. Dividend Watch List: March 3, 2017

Another week, another record high which lead to potential rate hike by the Fed. We'll have an update to the Coppock Curve mid week. Until then, please review the list below for dividend paying company trading at or near the low.

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Bull Market Ranking

For anyone who claims that the current bull market is a Federal Reserve induced binge based on manipulated interest rates, this market still needs to exceed the bull markets that followed the declines of 1835 & 1852, bringing the Dow Jones Industrial Average above the 24,768.


This market has a way to go in order to exceed bull markets that occurred when there was no Federal Reserve Bank.  The next stop for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, to beat the bull market that began in 1842 and culminated in a gain of +236% by 1852, is 21,673.

We could easily see new highs in the stock market, however, it ain’t because of the Fed.  More here.

Analyst Estimates

Performance Review

The analyst estimates for the U.S. Dividend Watch List published on March 4, 2016 show a relatively consistent pattern.  The level of out-performance was primarily centered on the stocks that were considered to be high risk while stocks most favored by analysts barely exceeded their expected 1-year returns, on a relative basis.  The categories that we’ve created are displayed below:


While the actual return for the “high expectation, low return” category exceeded the analyst estimates by +15.45%, the margin was far less than the +36.93% and +47.11% for the “average risk” and “high risk” groups, respectively.


Stocks that stood out in the past year are those that actually had greater percentage change from the March 4, 2016 level than the March 3, 2017 level.  These are stocks that are down from their highs.  It should be noted that none of these standout stocks are found in the “high expectation” category and three of the four stocks are found in the “average risk” group.


Quick Take: Ecolab Inc.

On March 11, 2016, we did a review of Ecolab providing the following conclusion:

“With the stock already trading below most fundamental averages, a purchase plan at the current level and lower would be ideal.  A three-part purchase plan at the current price (50%), at the ascending $83.03 level (25%) and approximately at the ascending $61.91 level (25% would be acceptable.”

Since our posting last year, Ecolab (ECL) has increased +17.57%.  This isn’t proof of the quality of analysis, however, we believe our updated could provided insight for future developments related to the directions of the stock price.

We will review the December 14, 2007 Value Line Investment Survey and compare their 2010-2012 projections and see how Value Line’s estimates were far short of their own expectations.  Afterwards, we will review Value Line Investment Survey’s March 3, 2017 numbers and projections and see how their estimates stack up going forward.

Finally, we’ll revisit the technicals that we presented last year and see how that has played out and potential outcomes going forward.