Monthly Archives: September 2018

ShotSpotter Inc. : Downside Targets

According to Yahoo!Finance, ShotSpotter Inc. (SSTI) is, “…provides software-as-a-service based gunshot detection solutions for law enforcement officials and security personnel in the United States, South Africa, and internationally.”

ShotSpotter IPO’d on June 7, 2017 and was priced at $11.  In the last 15 months, SSTI has managed to increase the share price +471%. Based on the closing price of $62.81, we have the following downside targets:

  • $35.06
  • $28.55
  • $22.05


The downside target for SSTI are included in case the stock were to double for the current level.  SSTI could increase to $85.65 and still be within range of the $35.06 downside target.

Shanghai Index: Failures and Targets

Market Stimulus is Failing, Big Time

On August 25, 2015, we said the following:

“The actions of the Chinese government have not been constructive for a change in the declining trend of the market.  The sooner restrictions intended to stop prices from falling are lifted the better the chance for Chinese stocks to fully recover.”

Since the very first clear intervention by the Chinese government on June 27, 2015, with a surprise interest rate cut, the Shanghai Composite Index has declined –40.77%.  The total decline from the 5,166.35 peak on June 12, 2015 has been –48.09%.

That very first stimulus action of cutting interest rates and the laundry list of interventions (partial list here) since is now being compounded by company buyback of shares.


Since 2009, stock buybacks have generally increased over time.  However, the year 2018 has seen a dramatic increase that has overshadowed all prior years of data as referenced from the September 12, 2018 Financial Sense article titled “Chinese Government Encourages Share Buybacks As Bear Market Deepens” by contributor Danielle Park.image

The intervention is actually causing the process of recovery to take longer than it needs to by providing false hope for investors (large and small) that the turnaround is near.  We’ve seen this all before in the Japanese Nikkei Index from 1990 to 2009 when it declined –81% (chart here).

Failure in Our Analysis

On September 26, 2016, we said the following of the Shanghai Composite Index:

“A simple flag or pennant formation seems easy to identify.  Now it is time to see if the direction of the index will do a retest of the late January 2016 low.”

If viewed from the perspective of the pennant formation starting from late January 2016, our analysis was a failure, as seen in the chart below.  Even if we were to extend and enlarge the pennant from the early January 2016 start date to December 15, 2017, the pennant would have been a failure.


Based on the original analysis, the index was supposed to drop –13% to achieve a retest of the 2,655.66 low.  Instead, the index increased +16.50% to 3,559.47 before starting the descent to 2,655.66. The idea of a retest of the prior low is based on Dow Theory and has been proven to be very consistent.  However, as analysts, it requires time and patience to see the process through.

Below are the downside targets and the potential upside targets for the Shanghai Composite Index.

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AeroVironment: Downside Targets

AeroVironment is described on Yahoo!Quotes as:

“AeroVironment, Inc. designs, develops, produces, supports, and operates a portfolio of products and services for government agencies and businesses.”

Below are the downside targets as a consequence of the parabolic rise that has occurred since the September 2015 low.


The conservative downside target of $62.26 is a lock in our view.  To put this in perspective, AVAV would have to increase to $160.62 before the $62.26 level isn’t a normal “dip.”

Tilray Inc.: Downside Targets

The recent IPO and explosion of Tilray Inc. (TLRY) has investors both worried and excited.  Tilray is in the emerging corporate cannabis industry, which has high prospects.  Below we outline the downside targets for both current price of $118 and $236 for when/if the stock doubles from the current price.


The conservative downside target is fairly assured to occur in either case.  From the $118 level, a decline to the $66.67 level would be a natural retest of the $77.89 level set on September 7, 2018.

Ethereum: September 2018

When Ethereum was trading at $384.49 on April 2, 2018, we said the following:

“There is a lot on the line for Ethereum.  Currently, the cryptocurrency is slated for the following downside targets:

  • $279.31
  • $188.13
  • $96.95”

All that remains is the last downside target of $96.95.  Based on the fact that Ethereum has achieved the $188.13 level, we are posting our upside target using the May 5, 2018 peak.

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Interest Rate Monitor: September 2018

In this posting, we’ll continue on a theme that we’ve outlined since December 16, 2015, when we said:

“A single rate increase by the Federal Reserve in no way makes for a trend.  However, markets often lead the way and what initially seems ‘bizarre’ is only a natural change in regime, a change that we haven’t seen since the early 1940’s.”

The change “…that we haven’t seen since the 1940’s” is the secular trend in interest rates to go from an extremely low level to the opposite end of the spectrum, potentially to high double digit levels.  Our September 4,2014 posting suggested that:

“Investors anticipating a general rise in interest rates should feel some comfort in knowing that most manager in the utility sector are ready for what is to come.  Rising interest rates are not an automatic death sentence for utility stock prices or earnings.   In fact, the early stages of rising interest rates may see utility stocks match or exceed the returns of non-interest rate sensitive stocks, on a total return basis.  Only when the outlook is cloudy will it become difficult to offer projections that are in line with prior expectations.”

We have been consistent in the belief that the secular trend in interest rates is higher instead of lower.  With this in mind, we are presenting our upside targets (resistance levels) for the daily 3-month Treasury rates.  We use the daily 3-month Treasury rates simply because it precedes all Federal Reserve rate increases and decreases since 1934 (100%).

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Tesla: Downside Targets

In this posting, we’ll covered the topic of downside targets for Tesla (TSLA).  We’re going to apply Speed Resistance Lines [SRL] and George Lindsay’s “Three Peaks and a Domed House.” 

The SRL downside targets are fairly conservative, in our view, while the 3 Peaks and a Domed House model (3PDh) appears fairly drastic.  We’ll do our best to introduce the 3PDh concept in the most general way possible, leaving out some of the nuances that we believe inhibit the qualitative elements to the overall concept.

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U.S Dividend Watch List: August 31, 2018

Previous Year Performance Review

In our ongoing review of the NLO Dividend Watch List, we have taken the top five stocks on our list from September 1, 2017 and have checked the performance one year later. The top five companies on that list can be seen in the table below.

Symbol Name 2015 Price 2016 Price % change
SJM JM Smucker 104.84 103.38 -1.4%
HRL Hormel Foods Corp. 30.92 39.15 26.6%
SKT Tanger Factory Outlet Centers 23.70 24.06 1.5%
SCG SCANA Corporation 60.14 38.34 -36.2%
CAG ConAgra Foods 32.88 36.75 11.8%
      Average 0.5%
DJI Dow Jones Industrial 21,987.56 25,964.82 18.1%
SPX S&P 500 2,476.55 2,901.52 17.2%

The average gain from the top five company was mediocre rise of 0.5% compared to 17.2% gain from S&P 500 and 18.1% from Dow Jones Industrial. The largest gain came from Hormel Foods (HRL) which rose 26.6%. We had this to say about Hormel last year.

Another food producer that should be on the radar is Hormel Foods (HRL). The stock has fallen 11% since the year began. Our valuation model imply that additional downside of 25% should be expected but 34% upside is also possible. Similar to the prior company we mentioned, Hormel Coppock indicator dipped into negative territory in April. With that in mind, a change in direction would make Hormel an ideal company to go long. Our study of Coppock on this company is that when applying the strategy, the average return is 31% after one year. Although sample size is small (5 of 309 months), the indicator have not produced negative return. Additionally, Hormel return on equity average 16% which is exceptional.

The biggest decline came from SCANA Corp (SCG) which fell 36.2%. The utility company couldn't raise rate and stock price followed.

J.M. Smucker (SJM) was the other stock that lost value since last year falling 1.4%. Our team believed that valuation was ripe for accumulation. Although shares remain virtually flat, shares actually rose 30% from $100 to $130 in 6 months before giving back all those gain. our team has long position but didn't sell because of tax implication. Perhaps we can explore the use of Put option to lock in majority of the gain. Despite that, we believed shares provide good value at the current level.

U.S. Dividend Watch List: August 31, 2018

The market took out the all-time high and the bull market continued. If we wish to go long, our team would start with companies on the watch list below. Continue reading