Chart of the Day: Remark Holdings

According to Yahoo!Finance, “Remark Holdings, Inc., a technology company, focuses on the development and deployment of artificial intelligence-based solutions for businesses in various industries worldwide. The company operates KanKan, a social media data intelligence platform. It also owns and operates various digital media properties that deliver content in various verticals, such as travel and entertainment, young adult lifestyle, and personal finance. The company was formerly known as Remark Media, Inc. and changed its name to Remark Holdings, Inc. in April 2017. Remark Holdings, Inc. was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.”


The Study of Failure

“In my view, the Secretary of State, should not, as a general rule, go abroad on a serious negotiation unless the odds are heavily in his favor. Since in diplomacy the margins of decisions are narrow, the psychological element can be of great consequence. A reputation for success tends to be self-fulfilling. Equally, failure feeds on itself: A Secretary of State who undertakes too many journeys that lead nowhere depreciates his coin, And it is dangerous to rely on personality or negotiating skill to break deadlocks; they cannot redeem the shortcomings of an ill-considered strategy (Jones, Frank Leith. "Haig's 'Waterloo': lessons from a failure in international mediation." International Journal on World Peace, vol. 30, no. 3, 2013, p. 7+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 10 Dec. 2018.).”

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