Below is the performance of the Nifty Fifty as published on September 10, 1951 by Barron’s covering data from July 2, 1951 to July 9, 1952:
In the period from July 2, 1951 to July 9, 1951, the Dow Jones Industrial Average increased +12.66% compared to the overall change of +11.15% in the Nifty Fifty. The breakdown of the data based on dividend yield, price-to-earnings ratios, and dividend payout ratio.
The best gain was achieved by the top three stocks in the High P/E category with an increase of +36.00%. The best performing group was the High P/E stocks where all of categories generated gains that beat the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Rank is determined by 58 closed-end funds and over 100 open-end investment companies and their holdings. Rank number 1 means the stock is held by the most investment companies on a dollar value basis.
Johnston, Paul A. “With the Investor: Oil Holdings Maintain Lead in ‘Favorite Fifty’.” Barron's. September 10, 1951. page 35.
Aigeltinger & Co.
Sydney G. Vickers.
see also: