Below are the valuation targets for American Tower Corp (AMT) for the next 10 years.
Our valuation targets for American Tower Corp (AMT) in 2020 are:
$316.44 (overvalued)
$265.68 (fair value)
$214.92 (undervalued)
$174.96 (extreme undervalue)
The valuation targets for American Tower Corp (AMT) are based on a dividend growth rate of 5.25% which is derived from one half the lowest estimated growth rate in Value Line Investment Survey and applied to Edson Gould’s Altimeter. A graphical representation of the overvalued, fair value, and undervalued levels are below.
The above Altimeter translates into the following undervalued and overvalued ranges since 2003:
10-year Targets
According to Value Line Investment Survey, dated May 29, 2020, American Tower Corp (AMT) has an expected price range of $230-$315 by 2023-2025. On our end, we have a range from as low as $250.58 to as high as $408.70, in the same period of time.