Monthly Archives: March 2018

Y2K: The Top of the Market

In the very first posting for 2018, we covered the prescient comments of Warren Buffett from November 22, 1999 when he said:

“Let me summarize what I've been saying about the stock market: I think it's very hard to come up with a persuasive case that equities will over the next 17 years perform anything like--anything like--they've performed in the past 17. If I had to pick the most probable return, from appreciation and dividends combined, that investors in aggregate--repeat, aggregate--would earn in a world of constant interest rates, 2% inflation, and those ever hurtful frictional costs, it would be 6%. If you strip out the inflation component from this nominal return (which you would need to do however inflation fluctuates), that's 4% in real terms. And if 4% is wrong, I believe that the percentage is just as likely to be less as more (Loomis, Carol. Mr. Buffett on the Stock Market. Fortune. November 22, 1999. accessed: everyday since.).”

In the 17 years since Buffett’s comments, the stock market has gained +2.27% when adjusted for inflation and compounding of dividends.  Even if we included the year 2017 in the picture, the CAGR of the S&P 500 would have been +3.15%.  It is easy to say that Warren Buffett is a genius because, after all, look at the wealth that he has managed to amass.  But what about the regular people out there?  How can they identify a market that has peaked?

One source that we like to cite is the work of the late Richard Russell of Dow Theory Letters (  In his March 22, 2000 letter, Russell Provided what is known as the “Top Out Parade.”  That Top Out Parade provided much of the indications that the stock market had peaked.  To put the Top Out Parade in perspective, we’ve posted a chart of the Dow Jones Jones Industrial Average indicated in blue the Buffett quote and in red the Russell posting of the Top Out Parade.


Both Buffett’s commentary of the expected performance of the market over the next 17 years and Russell’s observation of the Top Out Parade identified keys area in the market that should have been obvious to everyone. 

Below is the original Top Out Parade list as published by Richard Russell on March 22, 2000 in Letter 1298.  We think that anyone who tracks similar data will have a decent idea of whether or not we’ve seen some kind of top in the market, provided the indicators do not make new highs. Enjoy.

Bull Market Ranking

Have we reached the top in the market?  We don’t know.  However, what we do know is that the current market run from March 9, 2009 peaked on January 26, 2018 at 26,616.74 for a gain of +312.66%.  Among the top ten bull market runs, since 1835, this would rank as number four.


Oil and Gas Stock Index: March 2018

Below is the updated Oil and Gas Stock Index (XOI) for March 2018 and the performance of the respective fundamental categories.

General Electric Altimeter

Below is the Altimeter for General Electric (GE).  The red arrow on the far right indicates the current level of the Altimeter.

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In-Depth Look: U.S. Dividend Watch List March 23, 2018

As a follow up to the watch list we published earlier this week, we will break down the watch list into several components using fundamental criterias. Continue reading

U.S. Dividend Watch List: March 23, 2018

Top Five Watch List Performance Review

In our ongoing review of the NLO Dividend Watch List, we have taken the top five stocks on our list from March 24, 2017 and have checked the performance one year later. The top five companies on that list can be seen in the table below.

Symbol Name 2015 Price 2016 Price % change
TGT Target Corp. 53.12 67.88 27.8%
MAC Macerich 63.87 57.28 -10.3%
SCG SCANA Corporation 66.91 37.26 -44.3%
BMS Bemis Co Inc 48.75 42.54 -12.7%
FII Federated Investors Inc 25.50 32.35 26.9%
      Average -2.5%
DJI Dow Jones Industrial 20,596.72 23,533.20 14.3%
SPX S&P 500 2,343.98 2,588.26 10.4%

The average loss of the top five companies was 2.5% compared to gain of 10.4% for the S&P 500. We didn't touch on these five companies but did highlight our bullish sentiment for Hormel (HRL). The stock lost 6% for the year with swing of +/- 10%. Our team continued to believe the valuation and feel that a bottoming process for the stock is in place. In early January, the company announced 10% dividend increase. We continue to hold our long-term call options on the stock which we view as highly speculative.

U.S Dividend Watch List: March 23, 2018

The market lost 6% for the week and propelled the number of companies on our watch list to more than 100 companies. Our team will list all companies below but will expand our coverage by providing top five companies by each fundamental categories such as P/E ratio, Payout Ratio, and our proprietary ratio we'll term NLO ratio. Continue reading

Dogs of the TSX 60: March 2018

This is a performance update to the posting done on December 13, 2017 titled “Dogs of the TSX 60” assuming the stocks listed were bought on December 29, 2017.  That post also included the top three stocks for the respective categories on December 29, 2017 in the comment section.

The first performance review is based on the top ten stocks in the respective categories and compared to the Toronto Stock Exchange.


This shows that in spite of the popularity of the concept, “selecting the ten highest yielding stocks and holding for a year…,” the performance of the dogs (highest yielding) has been subpar since December 29, 2017.  The categories that have beat the TSX are low price-to-book, low price-to-earnings, and low dividend yield.  This has been consistent since we started running these numbers.  As we said in our review of the July 7, 2016 Canadian Business article titled “Blue chips at a bargain? Meet the 10 ‘Dogs of the TSX’” :

“Note that all of the low categories performed better while all the high categories performed the worst.  This has been borne out in the few Canadian Dividend Watch List performance reviews that we’ve done so far.”

In our February 2018 Canadian Dividend Watch List we said the following:

“If the goal is the beat the performance of the Toronto Stock Exchange then we believe that the consideration of the ‘low yield’ category might be worth considering.”

When we look at the top three Canadian Dogs of the TSX 60 from December 29, 2017 to March 22, 2018 (on a total return basis), we find the following performance.



Low yield managed to beat the TSX, however, both of the other “low” categories underperformed the TSX.  High p/e and high p/b out-performed the TSX.  However, as we mentioned in the February 2018 posting, we’d opt for the low yield stocks to out-perform the TSX over the remaining year. Again, high yield (dogs of the TSX 60) managed to linger as the worst performing on a consistent basis.

Transaction Alert

On March 22, 2018, we executed the following transactions:

Silver Update: March 2018

On May 5, 2011, when the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) was trading at $33.72, we said the following:

“…we’d like to see the price decline to the dashed blue line at $15.41 or below.”

On March 12, 2017, we said:

“From what we can tell, there are only two remaining downside targets.  The first is the January 2016 low at $13.74 or –19.31% from the March 10, 2017 closing price.  The final low is at $9.02 or –47.03% from the March 10, 2017 close.”

The closest that the price of silver has come to $13.74 is the July 7, 2017 low of $15.34.  Below is the revised update on the price of silver and our expectations going forward.

Dogs of the Dow

On March 20, 2018, we posted the performance of the top three Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks in various fundamental categories.  Below is the emerging theme that has cropped up in recent work.

Interest Rate Monitor: March 2018

Will rates go up in today’s meeting at the Federal Reserve?

Continue reading

DJIA Update: March 2018

Below is the performance of the individual Dow Jones Industrial Average constituents from December 29, 2017 to March 19, 2018.


The Dogs of the Dow continue to underperform the Dow Jones Industrial Average by a considerable margin.

Canadian Watch List: March 2018

Performance Review

Below we have provided the performance of the respective categories to show the difference between selecting the stocks that are in either the top 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ranking as opposed to selecting those stocks that are 2nd, 3rd and 4th ranking.


We find the results interesting as there is a material difference in performance.  the largest difference gained was in the high p/e stocks where the selection changed the performance from –17.81% to –3.14%.  Although not a gain, the improvement was substantial.  In fact, all categories gained except the high yield group where the gain was reduced from +11.88% down to +10.23%.

As a group, the entire watch list lost –1.20% on a total return basis as compared to the Toronto Stock Exchange change of +1.32% in the same period of time.  The best performing stock was Jean Coutu Group (PJC-A.TO) which gained +23.96% and was our strong interest stock of February 27, 2017.  The worst performing stock was Cineplex Inc (CGX.TO) which fell –36.33%.

U.S. Dividend Watch List: March 16, 2018

Top Five Watch List Performance Review

In our ongoing review of the NLO Dividend Watch List, we have taken the top five stocks on our list from March 17, 2017 and have checked the performance one year later. The top five companies on that list can be seen in the table below.

Symbol Name 2015 Price 2016 Price % change
TGT Target Corp. 54.29 70.99 30.8%
MAC Macerich 64.15 58.93 -8.1%
BMS Bemis Co Inc 49.22 44.98 -8.6%
SCG SCANA Corporation 67.88 40.21 -40.8%
CATO Cato Corp. 21.92 13.27 -39.5%
      Average -13.2%
DJI Dow Jones Industrial 20,914.62 24,946.51 19.3%
SPX S&P 500 2,378.25 2,752.01 15.7%

The top five companies average return was -13.20% largely driven by SCANA (SCG) and Cato (CATO) which lost -40.80% and -39.50%, respectively. A gain of +30.80% from Target (TGT) wasn't enough to offset the loss incurred from the other four companies. The good news for us is that we were bullish about Target and acted on our intuition.

Other notable companies mentioned were Hormel Foods (HRL), Coca-Cola (KO), and Genuine Parts (GPC). The average change for the three companies are -2% compared to the S&P 500 gain of +15.70%. Although these companies are part of an elite group call Dividend Aristocrats, that doesn't mean they will outperform the market. Even when our valuation model point to potential upside, in the case of Hormel Foods and Coca-Cola, they didn't come to fruition.

U.S. Dividend Watch List: March 16, 2018

Below are 54 companies on our watch list for this week. Continue reading

Bitcoin: March 2018

On February 17, 2018, we said of Bitcoin:

“…before a new high (substantially above the $19,343) is achieved, we expected a retest of the $6,914.26 level (or something close, like, $7,000-$7,200).”

We arrived the conclusion that the price should have a retest of the initial low of $6,914.26 after reviewing the three prior peaks and the subsequent declines and the retesting of the initial declines.

peak peak date initial low initial low date % change retest date final low total % decline
29.60 6/8/2011 14.65 6/11/2011 -50.51% 7/4/2011 2.05 -93.07%
230.00 4/9/2013 68.36 4/16/2013 -70.28% 7/5/2013 66.34 -71.16%
1,147.25 12/4/2013 522.23 12/18/2013 -54.48% 2/25/214 177.28 -84.55%
19,343.04 12/16/2017 6,914.26 2/5/2018 -64.25% ??? ??? ???

It (retest) doesn’t have to happen, however, according to Dow Theory, it would be wise to expect a retest of the prior peak or a prior low.  A retest of a low or high is also known as a double top when a new bear market is indicated or double bottom when a new bull market begins. For those with a bullish bias on Bitcoin, the following thoughts are appropriate for the current price action of the last two months.

"...before you can get a bull move, you have to establish a strong base -- and you have to test and retest that base many times." (source: Russell, Richard. Dow Theory Letters. October 18, 1989. Issue 1028. page 6.)

"Records of trading show that in many cases when a stock reaches top it will have a moderate decline and then go back again to near the highest figures. If after such a move, the price again recedes, it is liable to decline some distance.” (source: Hamilton, William Peter. Stock Market Barometer. Harper and Brothers. 1922. page 36.)

We think that the based on the price action we’ve seen with Bitcoin, there is going to be retest of the prior low at $6,914.26.  In addition, the failure or success of holding at the retest level will go a long way in determining the direction of the price, in a dramatic fashion.
