Chart of the Day: National American University Holdings

According to Yahoo!Finance, “National American University Holdings, Inc. owns and operates National American University (NAU) that provides professional and technical postsecondary education primarily for working adults and other non-traditional students in the United States.”


The Study of Failure

"Yet the rigorous scientific idea of planned failure is routinely applied to the mess and scuffle of human affairs, where it may have little or no relevance. We may simply be telling ourselves that failure is a good thing because, after all, failure is inevitable. If it must be endured, why not learn to enjoy it?

"In that way, we treat our failures like we do those embarrassingly awkward slips on the ice, after which we rise and claim: 'I meant to do that.' (Keller, Julia. "DOT-COMERS MAKE FAILURE SEEM FASHIONABLE BUT ONLINE AND IN LIFE, THE NEW FAILURE'S DAYS MAY BE NUMBERED. IT IS STARTING TO LOOK LIKE THE "OLD" FAILURE." Orlando Sentinel Dec 06 2000: E1. ProQuest. 2 Dec. 2018)."

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