Chart of the Day: SITO Mobile Ltd.

According to Yahoo!Finance, “SITO Mobile, Ltd. provides advertisement delivery, measurement and attribution, and consumer insights using its proprietary location-based marketing intelligence platform in the United States and Canada. The company was formerly known as Single Touch Systems, Inc. and changed its name to SITO Mobile, Ltd. in September 2014. SITO Mobile, Ltd. was incorporated in 2000 and is based in Jersey City, New Jersey.”


The Study of Failure

“Despite his failure to foresee the August 1991 coup attempt and his loss of control of the direction of perestroika as a process, Gorbachev was a brilliant political chess master among the Soviet elite. However, he was not fully attuned to the plight of the common man and the depth of dissatisfaction with the government, especially outside Moscow (Blaney, John, and Mike Gfoeller. "Lessons from the failure of Perestroika." Political Science Quarterly, vol. 108, no. 3, 1993, p. 481+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 10 Dec. 2018.).”

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