Chart of the Day: Southcross Energy Partners

According to Yahoo!Finance, “Southcross Energy Partners, L.P., together with its subsidiaries, provides natural gas gathering, processing, treating, compression, and transportation services in the United States. The company also offers natural gas liquid (NGL) fractionation and transportation services.”


The Study of Failure

"…the understated acceptance of failure that propelled Silicon Valley for decades has morphed into something dangerous: failure porn. ‘Failure’ as fast fashion, peddled by wildly successful people, packaged for mass consumption, that is no more reflective of real failure than commercially produced pornography is of real sex. People seem to forget that start-up founders can endure years of psychological trauma for naught, employees can lose their jobs and investors can lose significant money. Rather than being a springboard to greatness, failure can simply be devastating (Lewis, Geoff. "Failure Porn: There's Too Much Celebration of Failure and Too Little Fear (Posted 2014-12-04 17:00:14)." The Washington Post Dec 04 2014 ProQuest. 2 Dec. 2018.)"

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