Richard Russell was a legendary Dow Theorist and stock market commentator. Russell wrote the Dow Theory Letters for over 55 years from 1958 to 2015. Using Dow theory, Russell accurately called the top of the market in 1966, the bottom of the market in 1974, and the top of the market in 2007 (Barron's article November 2007.)
- Dow Theory: Unplugged- Charles H. Dow
- Charles H. Dow and the Dow Theory- George W. Bishop
- The Stock Market Barometer- William Hamilton
- The General Semantics of Wall Street- John Magee.
- ABC of stock speculation- S.A. Nelson.
- ABC of Options and Arbitrage- S.A. Nelson.
- The Dow Theory- Robert Rhea.
- The Dow Theory Applied to Business and Banking- Robert Rhea.
- New Methods for Profits in the Stock Market- Garfield Drew.
- A Man for All Markets: From Las Vegas to Wall Street, How I Beat the Dealer and the Market
- Edward O. Thorp
- Beat the Dealer: A Winning Strategy for the Game of Twenty-One
- Edward O. Thorp
- Principles: Life and Work
- Ray Dalio
- Dividends Don't Lie - Geraldine Weiss
- Dividends Still Don't Lie - Kelley Wright
- Anatomy of the Bear - Russell Napier
- Where are the Customers’ Yachts- Fred Schwed Jr.
- Technical Analysis of Stock Trends- John Magee.
- Understanding Put and Call Options- Herbert Filer.
- Security Options Strategy
- Albert I. A. Bookbinder
- The Great Crash- John Kenneth Galbraith.
- Making the Dow Theory Work- Sparta Fritz Jr. and A.M. Shumate.
- Charles H. Dow: Economist- George W. Bishop.
- The Dow Theory Explained- Charles B. Stansbury.
- A Strategy of Daily Stock Market Timing for Maximum Profit- Joe Granville.
- Dow Theory Today- Richard Russell.
- Successful Investing Formulas- Tomlinson.
- The Intelligent Investor- Benjamin Graham.
- Contrarian Investment Strategy - David Dreman.
- Consistent Profits in the Stock Market- Curtiss Dahl.
- Public Participation in the Stock Market- Sloan Wilson.
- How to Trade in Stocks- Jesse Livermore.
- Stock Market Theory and Practice- Richard Schabacker.
- The Speculator and the Stock Market- Sloan Wilson.
- Sophisticated Investor- Burton Crane.
- Bear Market Investing Strategies- Harry Schultz.
- Granville’s New Key to Stock Market Profits- Joe Granville.
- Welfare, Freedom and Inflation- Wilhelm Ropke.
- Money and Man- Elgin Groseclose.
- The Age of Inflation- Jacques Rueff.
- Meeting the Bear Market- Glenn Munn.
- A Treasury of Wall Street Wisdom- Harry Schultz.
- Relative Strength and Stock Market Timing - Dan Merkle.
- The Economics of Crisis- Eliot Janeway.
- The Money Game - Adam Smith.
- The Stock Market Indicators - Bill Gordon.
- Death of the Dollar- William F. Rickenbacker.
- Love and Will- Rollo May.
- The Game in Wall Street and How to Play it Successfully - Hoyle (possibly J.M. Klein).
- The Point and Figure Method of Anticipating Price Movements- Victor de Villier.
- The Crazy Ape- Szent-Gyorgi.
- Swiss Bank Account and Financial Survival in Inflation and Devaluation- Albert F. Gibson.
- Martin Buber- Aubrey Hodes.
- The Murder of Christ- Wilhelm Reich.
- How You can Profit from the Coming Devaluation - Harry Browne.
- The Monetary Sins of the West- Jacques Rueff.
- Gestalt Therapy Verbatim- Dr. Frederick Perls.
- The Humane Society- Wilhelm Ropke.
- The Kontratieff Wave- Roseanau and Shuman.
- On the Road- Jack Karouac.
- Man’s Search for Meaning- Dr. Victor Frankl.
- The Elliot Wave Principle- Hamilton Bolton.
- Man’s Search for Himself- Rollo May.
- Tai Chi for Health- Edward Maisel.
- Financial Tactics and Terms for the Sophisticated Investor- Harry Schultz
- The Art of Selfishness- David Seabury.
- The Will to Live- Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker.
- The Will to Happiness- Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker.
- Super Yields- Sam Coslow.
- The Guide to Rationale Living- Albert Ellis.
- I Say Sunrise- Talbot Mundy.
- Granville’s Strategy of Daily Stock Market Timing for Maximum Profit- Joseph Granville.
- The Unseen Revolution, How Pension Fund Socialism Came to America- Peter Drucker.
- The Key to Theosophy- H.P. Blavatsky.
- Lucky the Golden Goose- John Wrenn
- You Can Fight For Your Life- Lawrence LeShan.
- Time For Truth- William Simon.
- Traders Notebook- R. E. McMasters.
- On the Brink- Benjamin and Herbert Stein.
- Profits in Volume- Richard Arms Jr.
- How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years- Howard Ruff.
- Complete Guide to Swiss Banks- Harry Browne.
- Elliott Wave Principal, Key to Stock Market Profits- A.J. Frost and Robert Prechter.
- The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need- Andrew Tobias.
- Prince of the City- Robert Daly.
- Taking Chances, the Psychology of Losing and How to Profit From it- Dr. Robert Lewis.
- I Want to Change, But I Don’t Know How- Tom Rusk and Randy Read.
- Taxpayers’ Counterattack- Vernon Jacobs.
- Crisis Investing- Douglas Casey.
- Fritz Perls, Here and Now- Jack Gaines.
- Running on Empty- .
- Inside Las Vegas- Mario Puzo.
- The Godfather- Mario Puzo.
- The Golden Constant- Roy Jastram.
- The Money Masters- John Train.
- Investing: The Last Liberal Art- Roger Hagstrom
- Oliphant!- Pat Oliphant.
- The Spike-
- Short Lives- Katinka Matson.
- You Can’t Count a Billion Dollars- Barbara Sueling.
- The Survivor- Jack Eisner.
- Fat City- David Lambro.
- Inflation-Proofing Your Investments- Harry Browne.
- The Great Money Panic- Martin Weiss.
- America’s Paychecks, Who makes What- David Harrop.
- Compound Interest and Annuity Tables-
- The Zero-Sum Society- Lester Thurow.
- How to Survive and Grow Richer in the Tough Times Ahead- Tom Holt.
- How You Can Use Inflation to Beat the IRS- B. Ray Anthony.
- Shopping Bag Ladies- Ann Rousseau.
- Psychological Immortality- Jerry Gillies.
- Solvency, the Price of Survival- James Chace.
- Sexual Solutions- Michael Castleman.
- Make Your Life Worthwhile- Emmet Fox.
- General Theory of Employment, Interest and Cheating- Julian Snyder.
- The Industry- David Saul.
- Profits in the Stock Market- Harold Gartley.
- How to Get Rich and Stay Rich- Fred Young.
- The Money Lenders Bankers and a World in Turmoil- Anthony Sampson.
- Particular Passions- Gilbert and Moore.
- Places Rated Almanac- Boyer and Savageau.
- Everybody’s Business- Moskowitz, Katz and Levering.
- Strategic Investing- Doug Casey.
- Investing Without Borders- Adrian Day.
- Concrete Mama, Prison Profiles from Walla Walla
- The Deindustrialization of America- Bennett Harrison and Barry Bluestone.
- The Way of the Hunter-Warrior- Julian Synder.
- Wealth For All- R.E. McMaster Jr.
- Getting Rich Your Own Way
- Megatrends- John Naisbitt.
- The Decline and Fall of the American Automobile Industry- Brock Yates.
- Is Inflation Ending? Are You Ready- A. Gary Shilling and Kiril Sokoloff.
- The Road Less Traveled- M. Scott Peck.
- How to Be Your Own Best Friend- Newman and Berkwitz.
- Feeling Good- David Burns.
- While England Slept- Winston Churchhill.
- People of the Lie- M. Scott Peck.
- Preserving Capital- John Train.
- Bernard M. Baruch- Jim Grant.
- Common Stocks As Long Term Investments- Edgar Lawrence Smith.
- Civilization On Trail- Arnold Toyabee.
- Modern Times- Paul Johnston.
- The Long Wave Cycle- Nikolai Kondratieff (Donald Hoppe and Julian Snyder)
- The Art Dealers- deCoppet and Jones.
- Aushwitz Album
- James Agee, A Life- Lawerence Bergren.
- Survival is Not Enough- Richard Pipes.
- In Search of Excellence-Peter and Waterman
- How to Win Friends and Influence People- Dale Carnegie.
- The Tao Jones Averages- Bennett Goodspeed.
- Wall Street Insiders- John Boland.
- Famous Financial Fiascos- John Train.
- Behavior of Prices on Wall Street- Arthur Merrill.
- Financial Passages- Ben Stein.
- The Book of Granville- Joe Granville.
- The Pentagon and the Art of War- Edward Luttwak.
- Breaking with Moscow- Arkady Shevchenko.
- Sex and Money- John Spooner.
- Confessions of a Stockbroker- John Spooner.
- Japan as Number One- Ezra Vogel.
- Comeback- Ezra Vogel.
- Captain Money and the Golden Girl- Don Bauder.
- Juncture Recognition-.
- Market Logic- Norman Fosback.
- The Warning- Joe Granville.
- Bound Over: Indenture Servitude and the American Conscience- Van Der Zee.
- How Democracies Perish- Jean-Francois Revel.
- Belly Up-Phillip Zweig
- Megatrauma- Richard Lamm.
- Wiseguy- Nicholas Pileggi.
- The Holocaust- Martin Gilbert.
- Dun & Bradstreet’s Guide to Your Investments- Nancy Dunnan.
- Sauchelli, Don.
- The Wall Street Gurus- Peter Brimelow.
- Inside the Aquarium- Victor Sulvorov.
- Cycles: The Science of Prediction- Dewey and Dakin.
- Don't Eat Your Heart Out- Joseph C. Piscatella.
- Interest Rates, the Markets and the New Financial World- Henry Kaufman.
- Ford, the Men and the Machine- Robert Lacey.
- The Underground Empire- James Mills.
- Cadillac Desert- Marc Reisner.
- His Way- Kitty Kelly.
- Wealth and Poverty- George Gilder.
- The Fatal Shore- Robert Hughes.
- Buying Municipal Bonds- John Andrews.
- Caught in the Crossfire- Jan Goodwin.
- Beyond Our Means- Alfred Malabre Jr.
- Capitol Hill in Black and White- Robert Parker.
- Gorbachev’s Challenge, Economic Reform in the Age of Technology- Marshall Goldman.
- The Midas Touch- John Train.
- Birth Dearth- Ben Wattenberg.
- Miami, City of the Future- T.D. Allman.
- Going to Miami- David Rieff.
- Mary Todd Lincoln, A Biography- Jean Baker.
- The Trials of Mrs. Lincoln- Samuel Schreiner.
- Chronicle of the 20th Century- Mr. Kisco.
- Our Native Cacti- Ethyl Bailey Higgens.
- The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers- Paul Kennedy.
- The Second Wave- R.W. Wright and G.A. Pauli.
- How to Make Money in Stocks- William O’Neill.
- Talking Straight- Lee Iacocca.
- The Predators’ Ball- Connie Bruck.
- The Cocaine Wars- Paul Eddy
- Panic-Proof Investing
- Secrets of the Temple- William Greider.
- Security Analysis- Ben Graham.
- How I Helped 10,000 Investors to Profit in Stocks- E. George Schaefer.
- Yen: The Japanese Financial Empire and its Threat to America- Daniel Burstein.
- Why the Best Laid Investment Plans Usually Go Wrong- Harry Browne.
- Bernard Baruch, Park Bench Statesman
- Kings of Cocaine- Guy Gugliotta.
- Johnny Carson
- S.O.B.- Al Neuharth. Issue
- The Evening News- Arthur Hailey.
- The New Money Masters- John Train.
- Barbarians at the Gate- Burroughs and Helyar
- The Impoverished Superpower- Henry Rowen and Charles Wolf.
- Walter Winchell- Michael Herr.
- The Politics of Rich and Poor- Kevin Phillips.
- Confessions of a Gold Bug- Jim Blanchard.
- European Point and Figure Library- David Fuller.
- International Point and Figure Library- David Fuller.
- Beating the Dow- Michael O’Higgins.
- John Train’s Most Remarkable Occurences- John Train.
- The Iron Stallion- Rafael Carmona.
- Elizabeth and Phillip- Higham and Moseley.
- The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers- Paul Kennedy.
- Banking- Nancy Dunnan.
- Entrepreneurship- Nancy Dunnan.
- Collectibles- Nancy Dunnan.
- Stock Market- Nancy Dunnan.
- Parliament of Whores- P. J. O’Rourke.
- Euroquake- Daniel Burstein.
- The Nature of Risk- Justin Mamis.
- Little Man- Robert Lacey.
- Biomarker- William Evans.
- The End of Time- Richard Clurman.
- Changing Fortunes- Paul Volker and Toyoo Gyohten.
- Money of the Mind- Jim Grant.
- The Erotic Silence of the American Wife- Dalma Heyn.
- Hard Drive- Bill Gates.
- Bankruptcy 1995- Harry E. Figgie and Gerald Swanson.
- The Business One, Irwin Guide to the Futures Market.
- Rum Punch- Elmore Leonard.
- Ellis Island- Pamela Reeves.
- The Death of Money- Joel Kurtzman.
- Politics of Rich and Poor- Kevin Phillips.
- Boiling Point- Kevin Phillips.
- Getting Rich Outside the Dollar- Christopher Weber and Leonard Reiss.
- Crusade, the Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War
- The Endangered American Dream- Edward Luttwak.
- The Doctors’ Book of Home Remedies- Rodale Press.
- The Gold Book- Pierre Lassonde.
- Facing Up- Peter Peterson.
- The Gold Book-Pierre Lassonde
- Market Movers- Nancy Dunnan and Jay Pack.
- Sea Change- James Abeggan.
- Hole in Our Sole- Martha Bayles.
- The Agenda- Woodward.
- Wyatt Earp, Frontier Marshal-
- Our Ageless Constitution- David Stedman.
- The Chelation Answer- Walker, Gordon and Douglass.
- Dead Right- David Frum.
- Bypassing Bypass-
- The End of Japan Inc.- Christopher Wood.
- Highwire- John Brummett.
- On the Edge- Elizabeth Drew.
- Lost Rights- James Bovard.
- The Warren Buffett Way- Robert Hagstrom Jr.
- Of Permanent Value- Andrew Kilpatrick.
- Investment Biker- Jim Rogers. Issue
- The Craft of Investing- John Train.
- 100 Minds that Made the Market- Kenneth Fisher.
- Crime and the Sacking of America- Andrew Thomas.
- Central Banks- Deane and Pringle.
- Passion and Betrayal- Gennifer Flowers.
- Model- Michael Gross.
- Alien Nation- Peter Brimelow.
- The End of the Nation State- Kenkichi Ohmae.
- Rediscovering the Ideas of Liberty- W. David Stedman.
- My American Journey- Colin Powell.
- A Year with Microsoft- Fred Moody.
- Buffett- Roger Lowenstein.
- The Retirement Myth- Craig Karpell.
- Escape the Pension Trap- Ron Holland.
- At the Crest of the Tidal Wave- Bob Prechter.
- Reporting World War II- Samuel Hynes
- Studies in Hysteria- Sigmund Freud and Joseph Breur.
- Why Government Doesn’t Work- Harry Browne.
- Primary Colors-Anonymous
- Reversing Diabetes- Dr. Whitaker.
- Blood Sport- James B. Stewart.
- The Weight of the Yen- R. Taggart Murphy.
- Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining- Judy Sheinlein.
- You’ll Never Make Love in This Town Again- Liza
- Strong on Defense- Sanford Strong.
- The Rich Die Richer and You Can Too- William Zabel.
- The Return of Thrift- Phillip Longman.
- The Carbohydrates Addict’s Diet- Rachael and Richard Heller.
- Mindhunter- John Douglas.
- Will America Grow up- Peter G. Peterson.
- Against the Gods- Peter Bernstein.
- The Millionaire Next Door- Thomas Stanley.
- The Agile Investor- Stephen Leeb.
- The Chelation Answer- Morton Walker
- Mandate of Heaven- Orville Schell.
- Questions from the Heart- Terry Chappell.
- The Vanishing American Jew- Alan Dershowitz.
- Shattered Faith- Sheila Kennedy.
- Bloomberg on Bloomberg- Michael Bloomberg.
- Money, Who Has How Much and Why- Andrew Hacker.
- Burning the Days- James Salter.
- My Vast Fortune- Andrew Tobias.
- Die Broke- Pollan and Levine.
- Die Rich and Tax Free- Barry Kaye.
- The Art of War- Sun Tzu.
- Alternative Medicine Guide to Heart Disease- Burton Goldberg.
- Pit Bull: Lesson's from Wall Street's Champion Day Trader- Martin Schwartz.
- Prosperity and the Coming 20-year Boom- Bob Davis and David Wessel.
- Being Digital- Nicholas Negroponte.
- Dow 3000- Shulman
- Wall Street and the stock markets: A chronology (1644-1971) - Peter Wyckoff
- Trouncing the Dow- Kenneth Lee
- Relative Dividend Yield- Anthony Spare