Below are the valuation targets for Morinaga & Co. (2201) for the next 10 years.
Our valuation targets for Morinaga & Co. (2201) in 2020 are:
¥10,440 (overvalued)
¥7,596.00 (fair value)
¥4,752.00 (undervalued)
¥3,168.00 (extreme undervalued)
The valuation targets for Morinaga & Co. (2201) are based on a dividend growth rate 2015 to 2020 and applied to Edson Gould’s Altimeter. A graphical representation of the overvalued and undervalued levels are below.
The above Altimeter translates into the following undervalued and overvalued ranges since 2015:
10-Year Targets
Morinaga & Co. (2201) has an expected price range of ¥6,169.23-¥16,129.66 by 2023-2025.