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Category Archives: AMZN Price Momentum
Below is the (AMZN) from 2001 to 2023 applying the Price Momentum Indicator.
Amazon Price Momentum $AMZN
A recent article on Yahoo! Finance suggested that Amazon is ‘attractive’ at this level and is being priced at ‘virtually zero value’. Naturally we are curious and wanted to run it against our Price Momentum model and hope that we can get some meaningful insights on when to optimally purchase Amazon.
Below is a chart of Amazon (AMZN) from 2000 to 2022, reflecting Price Momentum data. Continue reading Cyclical Trends
Below is a chart of (AMZN) from 1997 to 2019.
In the charts that follow, we break down the percentage change in each cyclical rise and decline of These cyclical changes put into perspective the current rise and help to gauge what to expect when the next cyclical decline arrives. Continue reading
UPS should Buy FedEx
Regulators might not approve the deal, but the reality is that UPS, FedEx, and Amazon are in the same business. Inevitably, UPS and FedEx are going to want or need to merge in order to thrive. When and if that occurs, as tired industry behemoths get, they will do it exactly the wrong time.
The chart below highlights the relative price of FedEx and UPS since the IPO of UPS.
Since 1999, FedEx has made significant gains on UPS. However, the recent decline of FedEx since February 2018 and the recent reversal in September 2019 suggests that FedEx may have bottomed OR that UPS made be headed lower while FedEx treads water or rises.
For UPS, this is the ideal time to make an offer for FedEx as FDX lingers at 2005 levels. UPS being unwilling or unable to seize on FedEx at this time (too steep a price at any level) may be the opening for Amazon. Looking at the relative price of FDX/AMZN since UPS went public has the following skewed scenario.
Clearly, AMZN holds all the cards. If FDX and UPS can’t see this reality, they may be forced to merge under less ideal conditions. Regulators would be far more favorable to an acquisition of a “retailer” of a shipping company versus two shippers that are almost equals with significant market share.
Check the top ten air and ground shippers outside of these companies, there is going to be action in this group before long. Downside Targets
On October 25, 2018, in after-hours trading, (AMZN) was trading down to the level of $1,664.00.
We’ve tried the Speed Resistance Lines on this stock in the past and it is one of the few that has not achieved the conservative downside target. In spite of previous failures, here we go with the minimum downside target for AMZN, let’s watch as it defies (again), our minimum target of $969.28.
Posted in AMZN, Edson Gould, Speed Resistance Lines, SRL, The Study of Failure
Amazon Effect Wearing Thin
On April 18, 2017, W.W. Grainger (GWW) declined –11% when the company announced earnings that seemed to disappoint analysts.
In addition, many analysts were confident that the effect of Amazon would torpedo GWW even more than what had already been done up until April 2017.
Our take on W.W. Grainger was materially different than some of the big name analysts. However, we weren’t alone in saying the GWW was worth buying.
Posted in, AMZN, GWW
Yearning for the Richard Russell of Yore
“My own opinion regarding the markets is that the test of values trumps all other considerations.”
“Who were those geniuses who piled into AMZN [] when it was selling for under five clams?”
“Bookseller is priced at over 81 [ $81 unadjusted/$19.02 adjusted] now, but it won’t be making a nickel of profit for at least two years.”
“In the business of investing, money is made in the buying (see Amazon study on yesterday’s site). Buy right and you’ll end up with profits. Buy wrong, and you’ll end up with tears.”
“Buy gold at the highs, buy gold on a correction, buy gold when its in a confusing consolidation, and within five years you’ll thank the day when you bought it.”
- Russell, Richard, Dow Theory Letters, (San Diego, California), July 1, 1998, page 6. Letter 1255.
- Russell, Richard, Dow Theory Letters, (San Diego, California), March 2, 2005, page 6. Letter 1384.
- Russell, Richard, Dow Theory Letters, (San Diego, California), November 4, 2010, Daily Commentary.
- Russell, Richard, Dow Theory Letters, (San Diego, California), November 3, 2010, Daily Commentary.
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