Category Archives: Dogs of the TSX

2025 Dogs of the TSX 60

Below is the Dogs of the TSX 60 for 2025 with the breakdown of the other categories that we track. Continue reading

2024 Review: Dogs of the TSX 60

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Review: Dogs of the TSX 60

Below we have listed the Top & Bottom five performers in the TSX 60.

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Review: Dogs of the TSX 60

Below is the Year to date performance of the Dogs of the TSX 60.

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2024 Dogs of the TSX 60

Below is the Dogs of the TSX 60 for 2024 with the breakdown of the other categories that we track. Continue reading

2023 Review: Dogs of the TSX 60

On January 2, 2023, we said the following:

“…the low yield stocks have the better growth potential and when we consider that it is looking like a toss-up when choosing between the two, we'd rather opt for the growth component of the dividend paying stocks.”

The results of the 2023 performance are instructive. Continue reading

2023 Dogs of the TSX 60

Below is the Dogs of the TSX 60 for 2023 with the breakdown of the other categories that we track. Continue reading

2022 Dogs of the TSX 60

Below is a chart of the performance of the Dogs of the TSX 60 from December 31, 2021 to December 31, 2022. Continue reading

2022 Dogs of the TSX 60

Below is the Dogs of the TSX 60 for 2022 with the breakdown of the other categories that we track. Continue reading

2021 Dogs of the TSX 60

Below is a chart of the performance of the Dogs of the TSX 60 from December 31, 2020 to December 31, 2021. Continue reading

TSX 60 in Review: August 27, 2021

Below is the year-to-date performance of the stocks that constitute the Dogs of the TSX 60, the ten highest yielding stocks.  For contrast, we’ve included the breakdown of the top 5, top 3 and 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranked members of the Toronto Stock Exchange with the lowest dividend yield for a sense of perspective.


Overall, all of the groupings are outperforming the Toronto Stock Exchange by a comfortable margin.  This is the stated goal of the strategy, “to beat the index.”

Below is our breakdown of the performance of the Top Ten Low Yield Stocks as compared to the index: Continue reading

Dogs of the TSX 60

Below is the Dogs of the TSX 60 for 2021 with the breakdown of the other categories that we track. Continue reading

TSX 60 Year-To-Date: April 5, 2021

Below is a chart of the performance of the Dogs of the TSX 60 from December 31, 2020 to April 5, 2021 (intraday).


The Toronto Stock Exchange has increased approximately +11.65% year to date. As a group, the Low yield category is crushing the high yield category. The top 5 and top 3 in the low price/book has exceeded the Toronto Stock Exchange by a wide margin.

In our January 3, 2021 posting, we said the following:

“…our personal bias is still with the Low Yield stocks however their performance isn’t as proven as the High P/B stocks..”

The top ten in the high price-to-book has exceeded the Toronto Stock Exchange by nearly double. At the time, we said:

“We’re looking to the High P/B stocks to lead the TSX on the way up and down.  This means, if the market structure breaks down, the High P/B will lose more.  Conversely, if the compressed value component is recognized in the TSX 60 for 2021, then the High P/B stock will be worth your while.”

We don’t understand the underperformance of the top 5, top 3, and 2,3,4 grouping for High price-to-book.


See Also:

2021 Dogs of the TSX 60

Below is the Dogs of the TSX 60 for 2021 with the breakdown of the other categories that we track. Continue reading

2020 Dogs of the TSX 60

Below is a chart of the performance of the Dogs of the TSX 60 from December 31, 2019 to December 31, 2020.


The Toronto Stock Exchange increased approximately +2.17%. The Low P/E category lost the most while the High P/E category gained the most.  Low Yield did not outperform the High Yield group.

In our January 1, 2020 posting, we said the following:

“…preliminary data suggest that the low p/b and high p/e might give your investments an added boost.”

Clearly we were wrong about the Low P/B category which suggests to us that the call on the High P/E category was luck or a fluke and not due to our correct analysis of the data.

Upon further review, the category that seems to show the most consistency is the High P/B.  Although not posting the best gains for 2020, the returns over the years have suggested that High P/B can retain their edge.  The stocks in the High P/B category are as follows:


The Toronto Stock Exchange is a completely different realm from the shares that are traded in the U.S.  However, as we go along, we will attempt to refine the data collection and analysis to better reflect the realities of the Canadian market.

See Also: