Category Archives: downside

Ebix Inc.: Downside Targets

Ebix Inc. (EBIX) is described as a, “…software and e-commerce solutions to insurance, finance, and healthcare industries. It offers software development, customization, and consulting services to various entities in the insurance industry, including carriers, brokers, exchanges, and standard making bodies.”

The recent decision of Ebix to change their accountant is explained for the recent drop in the stock price.  Although, to our mind, the stock price peaked in February 2018 which set the declining trend in motion.  Below are the downside targets for EBIX.


At the current rate, EBIX appears destined for the $41.98 downside target.  The relative nature of the increase in the stock price from around the $10.00 level to $86.90 makes the $28.97 price a distinct possibility.

W.W. Grainger Downside Targets

W.W. Grainger (GWW) is a stock that we currently hold and has run-up significantly in the last year.  In this post we will review Edson Gould’s Speed Resistance Lines [SRL] and Altimeter for GWW.

Speed Resistance Lines are most often used by us to estimate downside targets.  Based on the increase from the August 28, 2017 low and the August 21, 2018 high, we have arrived at the following downside targets.

  • $295.55 (conservative target)
  • $209.30 (mid-range target)
  • $123.05 (extreme target)


It should be noted that the chart above does not include the extreme downside target.  If the August 21, 2018 price is the peak then our best guess is that GWW will decline below the August 28, 2017 low.  Our interpretation on the SRL may not play out for a while, however, the Altimeter adds significant insight.

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Lumber Liquidators Languishes

On August 1, 2017, Lumber Liquidators (LL) soared +31% on news that the company had recorded their first quarter of earnings since 2015.


The staggering increase in the stock price was of particular interest to us as we had previously laid out the case that Lumber Futures contracts and Lumber Liquidators had a lot in common.

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ABM: Downside Targets

Below we have posted the downside targets for ABM Industries Inc. (ABM).

Ethereum Seeks Footing at Lower Levels

On February 16, 2018, we said the following of Ethereum:

“Failure of the price of Ethereum to achieve the $1,040.05 by a substantial amount ($1,111 or more) would be an indication that the price will retest the $695.08 level.  A retest of the $695.08 level without falling below the level would be constructive for a new bull market. It would be a second failure to decline below the $692.99 level.  According to Dow Theory, this would one of the most constructive bullish indications going forward. Alternatively, if Ethereum fell below $692.99 then the expectation is that $617.09 is the minimum downside target.”

Unfortunately, Ethereum did not managed to exceed the $1,040.05 level.  In addition to achieving the $695.08 level, Ethereum has fallen below the conservative downside target of $617.09, as mentioned in our February 5, 2018 posting. 

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DJIA: Downside Targets

Based on the nature of the decline in the market on February 2, 2018, it is worth examining the downside targets for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).  Below are the downside targets based on the work of Edson Gould’s Speed Resistance Lines.

Aflac Inc.: Downside Price and Timing Targets

On January 11, 2018, in an article titled “Behind the Duck: Former Aflac Employees Allege Fraud and Abuse in Nearly Every Aspect of Company” published by The Intercept, it is alleged that Aflac (AFL) “…has exploited workers, manipulated its accounting, and deceived shareholders and customers, according to nine former employees.”


These allegations have had a material impact on the stock price of Aflac on January 12, 2018.  Currently, the stock is down –7% on the day.  Below are the downside price and timing targets of AFL based on the Speed Resistance Lines since the 2009 low.

Bitcoin Downside Target

“The four most expensive words in the English language are ‘this time is different.” –John Templeton


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Walgreens Altimeter

Below is the Altimeter for Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) with fair value (FV) overvalued and undervalued targets.

Synopsys Downside Targets

Since the beginning of the bull market in 2009, Synopsys Inc. (SNPS) is a stock that has perform in line with the Nasdaq Composite Index until early 2016.  Since February 2016, SNPS has accelerated well outside of the historical trend for the stock.  While there are many fundamental reasons for excessive gains in the last two years, the gains are still excessive and therefore should, at minimum, revert to the mean. 


The challenge with reversion to the mean is that the stock price will likely overshoot on the downside.  With this in mind we have provided the Speed Resistance Lines indicating the conservative, mid range, and extreme price targets below.

Adobe Systems: Downside Targets

In determining downside targets for Adobe Systems Inc. (ADBE), we have applied Speed Resistance Lines [SRL] to the stock price over multiple periods of increase and subsequent decline. Starting in the 1986 to 1987 period, we see Adobe Systems Inc. increase from $0.21 to as high as $1.69.  In the decline that followed, the SRL indicated that the downside targets from the peak price of $1.69 were as follows:

  • $0.93
  • $0.75
  • $0.56

As seen in the chart below, ADBE declined as low as $0.46 from the $1.69 high.


Much of the decline could have been attributed to a new company and speculative fervor for the stock taking it up +700%.  However, the inevitable decline was due and took investors down –72% before a recovery was seen in the stock price.  The stock achieved the conservative ($0.93), mid range ($0.75), and extreme ($0.56) downside targets.

In the period from 1987 to 1997, we see ADBE stock price increase from the $0.46 low to a high of $9.00, a whopping increase of +1,856%.  In the subsequent decline, ADBE fell “only” –58% from 1995 to 1996.  Adobe achieved only the conservative downside target ($3.97).


In the period from 1998 to 2002, Adobe rose as much as +1,264%.  In the decline that followed, ADBE notched a –79% drop. In this instance, ADBE achieved all of the downside targets of $18.90 (conservative), $16.39 (mid range), and $13.88 (extreme).


The next period that we track is from 2002 to 2008.  In that period, ADBE rose as much as +474%.  The decline that followed saw Adobe slide –66%.  Again, all downside targets achieved at $33.20 (conservative), $24.60 (mid range), and $16.00 (extreme).


Worth noting is the fact that in all cases, Adobe Systems (ADBE) declined at least to the conservative downside target. Additionally, in 3 of the four cited examples, ADBE managed to fall to the extreme downside target as established by the Speed Resistance Lines.

Is the past a fair indication of what to expect in the future?  What do we believe the future to hold?

Our take on the future prospects for ADBE stock price are that we can reasonably expect the price to decline to the conservative downside target in accordance with past declines.  However, expecting that ADBE will achieve the extreme downside target is overly ambitious at present.   After all, ADBE is a mature, well-established company that dominates several categories in their respective product lines (by a wide margin as compared to the next closest competitor).

With this in mind, after an increase in price of +881%, from the 2009 low, we have outlined the Speed Resistance Lines from 2009 to 2017.

Review: O’Reilly Automotive

On July 5, 2017, O’Reilly Automotive (ORLY) suffered a substantial decline in share price when the company reported that same store sales decline –1.7% as contrasted with consensus expectation of +3.90%.  Below we outline the downside targets and a Coppock Curve analysis.

Bitcoin: What to watch

According to, Bitcoin achieved a closing high of $3,018.55.  This was +30% above our January 1, 2017 estimated upside target of $2,316.35, when Bitcoin was priced at $997.69.  Now that Bitcoin has establish a new declining trend, we’ll provide our interpretation on the short-term moves in the price of Bitcoin and new upside/downside targets based on the $3,018.55 peak.

Just Energy Downside Targets

Below are the downside targets for Just Energy (JE.TO).

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Dow Jones Downside Targets

Below are the downside targets for the Dow Jones Industrial Average applying Dow’s Theory and the Dow Jones Transportation Average applying Edson Gould’s Speed Resistance Lines.