Category Archives: IPWR

Chart of the Day: Ideal Power

According to Yahoo!Finance, “Ideal Power Inc. develops power conversion solutions with a focus on solar and storage, microgrid, and stand-alone energy storage applications. It operates through two Divisions, Power Conversion Systems and B-TRAN. The Power Conversion Systems Division focuses on its Power Packet Switching Architecture technology. The B-TRAN Division develops its Bi-directional bi-polar junction TRANsistor solid state switch technology.”


The Study of Failure

"Whenever we're engaged in any activity we deem important, and the judgment of failure is applied against it from some quarter we also deem important, we recoil and try to disassociate ourselves from the failure as quickly as possible.

"Because being identified with failure is so offensive, we're often tempted to blame it on circumstances rather than our performance. While it's human enough and, therefore, forgivable, this bit of self-deception keeps us from learning from our mistakes (Cox, Allan. (1986, May 05). Failure to admit failure could bring failure on the job. Seattle Times Retrieved from