Category Archives: SEII

Chart of the Day: Sharing Economy Intl.

According to Yahoo!Finance, “Sharing Economy International Inc., through its subsidiaries, manufactures and sells textile dyeing and finishing machines in the People's Republic of China.”


The Study of Failure

“In a letter to employees, Max Hopper, American Airlines Information Services chief, wrote: ‘Some people who have been part of CONFIRM management did not disclose the true status of the project in a timely manner. This has created more difficult problems--of both business ethics and finance--than would have existed if those people had come forward with accurate information. Honesty is an imperative in our business--it is an ethical and technical imperatives.’ Apparently, the clients were misled into continuing to invest in an operation plagued with problems in database, decision-support, and integration technologies (Oz, Effy. "When professional standards are lax: the CONFIRM failure and its lessons." Communications of the ACM, Oct. 1994, p. 29+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 10 Dec. 2018.).”