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Category Archives: Silver
Metal Monitor: Silver & Copper Review
On May 21, 2024, we reviewed the price of Copper and Silver. This is an update and observations on that posting.
Gould’s Silver Upside Targets #Silver
In this posting, we update our prior Upside Targets for Silver: Continue reading
Silver: India and China as a Catalyst
In a September 28, 1929 BusinessWeek article titled, “Silver Is Cheap” is the following commentary:
“The price of silver fell to $0.50375 U. S. cents per fine Troy ounce, the lowest price touched since Sept. 18, 1915.”
“India and China are the markets for the silver of the world and, as they prosper or keep the peace, silver rise[s]…”
The argument for India and China as a catalyst for the potential rise in the price of precious metals has been around for a long time. However, the reality is very different from what is hoped for.
see also:
Posted in iShares Silver Trust, Silver
Silver: August 2020
On August 25, 2019, we presented upside resistance targets for the price of silver. In that posting, we said the following:
“The above levels are where the price of silver should experience a reversal of the rising trend. The more dramatic the rise the greater chance that silver will decline -66% of the current rise.”
At two of the three target ranges, the price of silver experienced reversals. In the first instance falling from $19.81 to $11.81, approximately -40%.
The second reversal seems to be playing out from the $29.26 level.
We can’t emphasize enough the fact that Silver isn’t the topic here, it is price. If it trades with a price attached to it on a regular basis then there are reasonable levels at which to expect reversals on the way up or down. The work of Charles H. Dow and Edson Gould inform us on what to focus on when observing price.
Above is an inset chart of the price of Silver with the upside resistance targets. Below, we provide a full chart of the price of Silver with the upside resistance target prices. Also, we review the downside targets based on the run-up from the March 18, 2020 low to the $29.26 high. These targets will assist in managing risk. Continue reading
Rising Secular Trend in Interest Rates
As we have long advocated, the declining trend in interest rates is coming to an end and the secular trend in rates is up. To provide a decent level of analysis on what might happen going forward, we have a comparison of the Dow Jones Industrial Average to the 3-month Treasury from 1934 to the peak in May 1981.
Conventional wisdom says that as interest rates rise then stocks should underperform. However, when contrasted to the interest rate sensitive Dow Jones Utility Average, we see that the index increased +1,321% from the April 1942 low to the March 1965 peak.
We contrast the change in the Dow Jones Utility Average to the 3-month Treasury to highlight what happened to the price of Silver in the same secular trend.
Historically, it is understood that rising interest rates mean rising commodity prices. In the last secular trend, the price of silver increased modestly until, in the late stage of the cycle, all commodity prices go wild. We believe that such a trend is likely to occur again.
Our general conclusion on the secular trend in rising interest rates is that the best alternative in the initial stages is stocks and commodities in late stage of the same trend.
“For the past 25 years the commodity market and the stock market have moved almost exactly together. The index number representing many commodities rose from 88 in 1878 to 120 in 1881. It dropped back to 90 in 1885, rose to 95 in 1891, dropped back to 73 in 1896, and recovered to 90 in 1900. Furthermore, index numbers kept in Europe and applied to quite different commodities had almost exactly the same movement in the same time. It is not necessary to say to anyone familiar with the course of the stock market that this has been exactly the course of stocks in the same period ( source: Dow, Charles H. Review and Outlook. Wall Street Journal.February 21, 1901.)”
Silver Review
On August 25, 2019, we said the following of silver:
“The trend is up, what remains are the buying opportunities (based on the upside targets above) and a lot of patience.”
Since that time, silver has had the following price action.
Clear buying opportunities have opened up in the intervening period from August 2019 to the July 2020 period. In addition, our point that precious metals prices decline during stock market declines has continued to hold up as highlighted in our articles published on November 8, 2008 and September 14, 2014. The mistaken belief that precious metals are the place to be if the stock market “crashes” because they act as a hedge, meaning generally increase, is mistaken.
Our next update on the price of silver will review the upside resistance targets so that those interested in the precious metal can be more selective of where they plan to initiate positions. We hope to continue the tradition of providing the least expensive lesson on the behavior of precious metals.
Posted in Silver
Silver: August 2019
On May 5, 2011, when the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) was trading at $34.39, we said the following:
“What remains is a high level of uncertainty for (SLV) going forward. However, in general, we should see SLV tread water for a brief period of time before falling back to the prior low which began with the current run back in November 2008. Dow Theory suggests that a reasonable buying opportunity would exist at below line B (blue line B). However, we wouldn’t jump in at the slightest move below line B. Instead, we’d like to see the price decline to the dashed blue line at $15.41 or below.”
The chart below highlights the points of interest on the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) based on the peak price, the date we gave downside targets and the first date that the price of SLV closed below our target of $15.41.
Since our May 5, 2011 posting, SLV has not exceeded the prior peak of $47.26. Additionally, SLV has reached the $15.41 level and has outlined a significant basing pattern at that price point. Using the price of silver, we will outline the upside resistance targets based on the December 2015 low. Continue reading
Silver Update: March 2018
On May 5, 2011, when the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) was trading at $33.72, we said the following:
“…we’d like to see the price decline to the dashed blue line at $15.41 or below.”
On March 12, 2017, we said:
“From what we can tell, there are only two remaining downside targets. The first is the January 2016 low at $13.74 or –19.31% from the March 10, 2017 closing price. The final low is at $9.02 or –47.03% from the March 10, 2017 close.”
The closest that the price of silver has come to $13.74 is the July 7, 2017 low of $15.34. Below is the revised update on the price of silver and our expectations going forward.
The Hidden Story of Gold
Gold is currently languishing in a trading range between $1,366 to $1,049. This trading range is thought by many to be a pause before the eventual increase above the previous high at $1,895. After all, the price of gold had managed to decline from $1,895 to the low of $1,049.40, a drop of –44.62%. Part of the thinking of a new high in gold is predicated on the idea that we are entering a phase of rising inflation after years of decreasing inflation from the 1980 peak.
If the thinking is that gold is on the cusp of new highs, there is one question that we need to answer. The question is, “What happens with the price of gold in the early stages of an inflation cycle?” What is amazing about this question is that in the early stages of the last inflation cycle from 1939 to 1942, gold was fixed at $35 until 1971.
Never in the history of the United States have investors seen the reaction of the price of gold to the early stages of rising interest rates. In this posting, we’ll attempt to show a reasonable benchmark for gauging what would happen if there weren’t restriction on the price of gold.
Silver is the perfect means to convey the message of what would have happened to the price of gold if it were allowed to navigate the whims of Mr. Market. While silver is more volatile than gold and prone to extremes it still tells the story of gold when gold did not have a voice.
Interest Rate and Inflation Cycle
We start with the price of silver from the peak in 1925 because, according to Dewey and Dakin's in their 1947 book Cycles: The Science of Prediction, the last peak in wholesale prices, which generally corresponds to interest rates. If you have a beat on interest rates, you can get a better sense of where we are and where we might be going as it relates to precious metals.
Remember, you don’t have to be a fan of cycle theory to appreciate the quality of analysis that reflects what has already happened from a book written in 1947. Calling the peak in 1979 and the trough at 2006, while not exact, is the best way to learn from the past. Looking at the 3-month Treasury, we can see the fulfillment of an entire cycle in rates from 1940 to 2009.
Just think, there is no official data that extends from prior to 1934 to the present. Without this important continuous information, it is difficult to find data that we can compare like-for-like stages in the cycle. However, we do have data from the price of silver in the previous cycle top to the low that corresponds to the low in interest rates and silver. This will be our introduction to the secret history of gold.
Posted in BGMI, Dakin, Dewey, gold, Interest Rate Monitor, interest rates, Silver
Silver: December 2017
Below is a comparison chart showing the price of silver since 2012 and our view on the direction of the “poor man’s gold.”
Silver Update
On May 5, 2011, when the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) was trading at $33.72, we said the following:
“…we’d like to see the price decline to the dashed blue line at $15.41 or below.”